We have implemented some of the primitives (more than the 50%) of the original language, but as it's on beta versions, it changes continuously and the implementation becomes a bit complicated. Now, we are going to explain the main original language parts, and the level of implementation of every one of them:
Structure: It defines the structure of the language. It depends on the programming language. It is completely implemented.
Environment: There are variables and functions that allow customize some aspects of sketches, or get values, like framerate or width. The level of implementation is about 60%.
Data: This part is used to define primitives and to make data conversions. It's related to the programming language and that's why it's partially implemented. It level of implementation is about 35%.
Control: It makes possible to do iterations, relations and conditional sentences. The base language of processing (or the new processing) completely implements it. So all the functionalities are implemented by it.
Shape: It is one of the most important group of primitives. It allows drawing polygons, lines, points and curves in a simple way. We have ported to the .NET platform 80% of primitives approximately.
Input / Output: These primitives catch key and mouse events, let to print information in the debug window, and it also load and save files of bytes and strings. With them, sketches can interact with users. We have implemented 60% of primitives in the new environment.
Transform: It also is one of the basic part of the core of processing. With these functions, we can change the properties of shapes, like scale or angle of rotation. Almost all the animated sketches used it. Due to it importance, the level of implementation is about 90%.
Color: We can use these primitives to fill polygons or to change strokes or lines colours. We have full control to make all possible colours. We have coded about 50% of primitives.
Image: This part essentially let load, display and modify images of many types. We only have redesign about 30% of primitives.
Typography: With these functions, we can make words and phrases and we can display it in sketches in a very simple way. We can change text attributes. The level of implementation of this part is about 25%.
Math: Some of the compositions needed to make complexes calculations. This group of primitives allows doing it. We have fully translated all the functions.
Sound: It let storing and playing sounds of the wave format. We discard it because it's one of the newest features of the original language, and we focussed in essentials primitives.
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