DotNetProcessing Documentation

Jonatan Rubio

Santi Serrano

Table of Contents
I. User Documentation
1. Introduction
2. The Processing Language
2.1. Processing origins
2.2. Process VS Timeline
2.3. Processing as an intermediate language
2.4. Related software
2.4.1. DBN
2.4.2. Logo
2.4.3. Flash
2.4.4. Director
2.5. Processing is Open Source
2.6. Digital art
2.7. Processing in the world
2.8. First steps
3. Why DotNetProcessing?
4. Installation
4.1. Prerequisites
4.1.1. Windows
4.1.2. Linux
4.2. Downloading
4.3. Installing
4.4. Running
4.4.1. Windows
4.4.2. Linux
5. Using the program
5.1. Graphical Interface
5.1.1. Playing with the examples
5.1.2. The Syntax ComboBox
5.1.3. Writing your first sketch
5.1.4. Exporting your sketch
5.2. Command Line
6. A Case Study
II. Developer Documentation
7. Getting the sources
7.1. The easy way (download them)
7.2. The not so easy way (get them by cvs)
7.2.1. Windows
7.2.2. Linux
8. Compiling
8.1. Windows
8.1.1. Microsoft Visual Studio
8.1.2. Command Line
8.2. Linux
9. Architecture
9.1. DotNetProcessing building blocks
9.2. The Syntax
9.3. The Primitives
9.4. The Surface
9.5. Sketch Exportation
9.6. Execution Model
10. Cross-platform issues
11. Dotnetprocessing vs Processing
11.1. Functional differences
11.2. Performance test
12. TODO's
13. Implementation status
14. Writing documentation for DotNetProcessing with DocBook
15. Updating the DotNetProcessing web site
16. Roadmap
16.1. Mozilla Plugin for .NET User Controls
16.2. Support for Java and Visual Basic.NET syntax under Linux
16.3. Live Processing
16.4. GTK# Environment
16.5. DotNetProcessing Arena
16.6. Windows Vista
16.7. DotNetProcessing for mobile devices
List of Tables
2-1. DBN example
2-2. DBN example
2-3. DBN example
2-4. Logo example
2-5. Logo example
2-6. Logo example
5-1. Sketch syntaxes and their associated file extensions
7-1. CVS Access
9-1. Execution model
List of Examples
5-1. VB.NET sketch
11-1. Modified code to show performance

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