9.1. DotNetProcessing building blocks

DotNetProcessing is formed of various modules, each one with its own purpose:


This is the graphical user interface for DotNetProcessing. It contains a textbox for writing the sketch, a combobox for setting the syntax and other operations included in the menus. When the user compiles or exports the sketch, control is passed to the Parsing module.


This is the equivalent console application to the graphical version of the Environment. Its functionalities are exposed through command line parameters.


In the Parsing module the user sketch code is embedded in the Running module and the resulting code is compiled with the corresponding .NET compiler instance depending on the associated syntax.


The Canvas is only a simple Windows Form that holds the UserControl sketch generated in the Running module. It's the main entry point of the executable file resulting of exporting the sketch to executable.


This module inherits from AbstractRunning and has one different version for each possible syntax accepted by the program. This is its main purpuse and thus the code inside it is very short. The parsing module embeds the user sketch code here and compiles it with the appropiate compiler instance. This module corresponds to the resulting dll when exporting to .net user control.


This module inherits from the Kernel and has the main loop of the program. The one that calls repeatedly to the user draw method and paints through the primitives called in the Kernel module.


The kernel module is a class that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl and implements all the Processing primitives using GDI+. Those primitives paint to the UserControl surface.


This module is used by all other modules. It contains constant definitions, events, exceptions and other stuff not related with any specific module.

DotNetProcessing Modules

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