2.5. Processing is Open Source

Processing has contributed to the free software community and specifically to digital art building a free tool whose source code is available through the Processing Developer page.

In this world where commercial tools from companies like Adobe or Macromedia are on the spot, Processing has made his own space offering an close alternative to digital art. That was from the beginning since Processing was born in an educational context targeting a wide group of people.

Anybody can download a free copy of Processing and start working immediately in an easy environment not full of countless options that saturate users. Furthermore, the Processing community grows day by day and it's possible to access the source code of the majority of sketches that are on the net, stimulating exchange and learning. That's the spirit of Processing.

Another important thing is that Processing has versions available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. That's because it's based on Java, a free multiplatform developing software.

Processing is already on the Creative Commons trend. A project initiated three years ago offering artists and creators simple licenses that lets them distribute and share their works with full legal security. No need to choose between Public Domain (no rights reserved) / Copyright (all rights reserved) any more. Now it's possible to explicit if a work can be copied, distributed, changed or even used commercially. Creative commons introduce the concept of "some rights reserved".

Processing code available to download by CVS

Creative Commons License

No Rights Reserved

Some Rights Reserved

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